Sweet Dog, Tanzania
This Wonderful Fundraiser will help with care for my dogs and two stray dogs!
All Proceeds Benefit:
for Food and Shots: Yearly Shots for 3 dogs, Mange Shots, and Neutering for 1 dog.
Items Sold
Hi, my name is Tajji Samone. I am a missionary. I sold my car, most of my belongings, and I moved from Long Beach, California to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. My long-term goal is to establish a Non-Governmental Christian Organization on behalf of Persons with Albinism (PWA’s). Currently, I am the proud owner of way too many dogs. There are 12 dogs/puppies inside the compound and two stray dogs outside of it. I am looking for homes for seven of the puppies. Typically, Tanzanians do not want an adult dog. Hence, the reason why two strays are outside of my gate. Since my budget has been depleted due to reoccurring illnesses and various emergency uses of the money I had... I am requesting assistance. The money generated from this fundraiser will help pay for food and shots. The puppy, Houdini needs his yearly shots, as well as, the two stray dogs: Yellow and Scottie. Houdini also needs to be neutered. Also, a number of dogs need mange shots. It is my sincere hope these things can be paid for by your generosity and support. I am surviving here with my dogs by faith, prayers, and great hope. The Cost: Food $40 dollars a month. / Mange shots $1.50 for 1 cc. / Neutering $66.00 / $12.00 dollars for yearly shots. Thanks for Your Care and Consideration!
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