Mothers Day Shirts
Make Mom happy and save the shells!
Mom loves wine. Mom also loves tortoises. What could be better?
All Proceeds Benefit:
Central Texas Tortoise Rescue
for Vet Care, Food, Maintenance, Tortoises!
Items Sold
Central Texas Tortoise Rescue’s mission is to adequately house, care for, rescue and rehabilitate land turtles who need a helping hand, and to place them into loving forever homes. We made shirts like this a few years ago and everyone loved them, and I (Krista) wore mine so much I wore it out and I'd like another one, so I figured why not share the love? Especially for Mother's Day!

Want to start your own fundraising store?
There is no cost to you to set up a fundraising store. We handle payment collection, inventory, printing, packing, and shipping to your supporters. Then we send you the proceeds from the sales. It's that easy!