Foster the Music
Help us Foster the Music for youth in foster care!
In honor of National Foster Care month, Kids In A New Groove's Foster the Music campaign is raising awareness in support of central Texas youth in foster care.
All Proceeds Benefit:
Kids In A New Groove (KING)
for Program costs such as lesson materials and supplies, instruments, instrument repair and maintenance, and student rewards.
Items Sold
Since 2009, Kids In A New Groove (KING) has provided a vital service to central Texas youth in foster care by furnishing them with musical instruments and facilitating weekly one-on-one music mentorship from Austin-area music educators. We at KING believe that music is a shelter in times of hardship, a tool of empowerment, and an unmatched means of expressing one’s truest self. Our mission is to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in foster care by providing them with a consistent, encouraging relationship with an adult mentor and to instill in them the sense of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-determination that comes from learning to play a musical instrument.
KING has a long-term commitment to the success of our students and we have seen the direct impact our program makes in the lives of young people. For the last three years, 100% of KING’s eligible students graduated high school, as compared to the national average of less than 50% for youth in foster care, and 95% of our students went on to pursue higher education or enlist in the military compared to the national average of less than 3% for youth in foster care.
This May, National Foster Care month, help us raise awareness in support of central Texas youth in foster care. Your support will directly impact our students and allow KING to extend its mission to more youth in foster care.

Want to start your own fundraising store?
There is no cost to you to set up a fundraising store. We handle payment collection, inventory, printing, packing, and shipping to your supporters. Then we send you the proceeds from the sales. It's that easy!