The Exchange Club of Pearland Blue Mondays Shirt
Buy a shirt and wear it EVERY Monday in April in support of Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Buy a Shirt and Wear it on Blue Mondays and help us increase awareness.
All Proceeds Benefit:
The Exchange Club of Pearland
for Prevention of Child Abuse Projects, Youth Projects, Community Projects
Items Sold
The Exchange Club of Pearland is planning a Child Abuse Awareness Field at Pearland Town Center. Each blue pinwheel displayed will represent one of the 731 children that have reported their abuse in Brazoria County just in 2017. We are also hoping that many businesses will purchase their Break the Silence shirts and wear them on Blue Mondays thru April and help us increase awareness.

Want to start your own fundraising store?
There is no cost to you to set up a fundraising store. We handle payment collection, inventory, printing, packing, and shipping to your supporters. Then we send you the proceeds from the sales. It's that easy!