CSP Fundraiser to Help Our Caregivers
Stock Up for Spring!
CSP Fundraiser to help supplement our caregivers' loss of income over the next several weeks.
All Proceeds Benefit:
Camp Saugapup
for our amazing caregivers
Items Sold
On March 16th, 2020 we decided to close our doors to ensure the health and safety of our caregivers, campers and clients during these uncertain times. We are not sure when it will be safe to re-open. This fundraiser is dedicated to our team of amazing caregivers to help temporarily supplement their lost income and as a heart-felt thank you for their unwavering loyalty, commitment, passion and care.

Want to start your own fundraising store?
There is no cost to you to set up a fundraising store. We handle payment collection, inventory, printing, packing, and shipping to your supporters. Then we send you the proceeds from the sales. It's that easy!